Courtesty of WordPress’s Post-A-Week campaign, I now have a file full of blog topics.  Sadly, however, my good intentions to post at least once a week have fallen by the wayside since January 1, 2011.  This morning, I have a splitting headache, but bagels and coffee are on the way, so I’m going to make this valiant effort to post for all three of my loyal readers. 

I’m not sure I understood what a blog was or what it was supposed to be when I set mine up.  My web site’s host company offered it as part of the deal.  My web site exists to inform interested individuals about what I do (write) and a little bit about who I am, to give me a web presence and an identity.  A blog would be an extension of that, right?  Ultimately, would it help readers find me?  Would it generate interest in my book(s)?  I hoped so.

Here’s the problem with blogging on a regular basis:  What do you say?  It’s hard enough to pull bits and pieces of creativity together when you’re writing fiction and making things up on a daily basis.  Then you’re expected to come up with something else for a blog?  Something reader-worthy and interesting?  Color me tired.

I had years and years of journals from the past and I posted a lot of entries from those in segments listed under “My Vein, My Blood.”  They’re in the blog archives now.  I don’t think anyone read them.  At the time I thought they’d be a way for readers to get where I’m coming from, where I’ve been, how I think.  But does anyone care about your internal thoughts except you?  Since they were part of my real life, I had to abbreviate or change names to protect other real life people.  Maybe those posts make no sense to anyone but me.

The problem with blogging is having something to say.  Often.  Something interesting or funny or touching.  Something that will strike a note with readers.  Otherwise…why bother?  There are tons of blogs.  Why would anyone want to read mine?

The great thing about a blog is it’s totally and completely mine.  I can say whatever I want, post whenever I want, share whatever I want.  It’s a forum for no one but me.  If I need to vent or rant or share a funny story or if something’s on my mind, my blog is there.  Does it help me sell books?  Who knows?

Ultimately, I think we blog for the same reason we join Facebook and the same reason we carry around cell phones 24/7 constantly checking for text messages.  We want to feel important and interesting to someone besides ourselves.  We want to feel we matter, that we can share thoughts and ideas no one else has.  It’s a sad bid for attention.  “Hey, look at me!  Read ME!” 

So here’s my brilliant thought for the day:  Three Advil, bagels and coffee will cure just about anything.

For more brilliant insights visit me at www.barbmeyers.com

What made you decide to start a blog? If you’ve blogged about this before, go back and read it. Is that still the reason? What’s changed?


  1. Loyal reader #1 checking in! I have your blog on my Google Reader, along with a few of my other favorites, Barb. In an effort to inspire (!?!) my students to keep up with their own blogs, I have a blog that I use to highlight school-related topics. It’s tough because the small audience that I have is a combination of students, parents, and perhaps a colleague here and there. I definitely can NOT write everything I am thinking. ; ) Side note: I’m really enjoying A Month From Miami – halfway through I feel that I know Kaylee, Molly, and Rick. It’s a sweet read.

  2. Barb Meyers

    Thanks, Monica. For being one of those three loyal readers, but for lots of other stuff, too. Mostly still being my friend after all these years. 🙂

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