The Red Bud Iowa Series

If You Knew
If You Dare
If You Stay
Barbara Meyers

About Barbara

I have been seriously writing romance novels for over twenty-five years but it took me a while to get serious about publishing them. Now I am the ahem, bestselling  [<–see what I did there? 😉 ] author of several romance novels.

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A Writer With ADD

Welcome to the unplanned career of a disorganized (but talented) 😊 writer with ADD who makes laughable promises to herself (“As God is my witness, I will post on social media no less than three times a week”) and wonders how she ever managed to publish twenty or so books in the first place.


IMPOSTER SYNDROME? Imposter syndrome? I seriously thought this was a joke. The term is used a lot amongst creatives, but I never understood exactly what it was or what it…

The Animal Cover Dilemma

The Animal Cover Dilemma Ever since the conception of Animal, I’ve had a vision of the cover. Nothing but the hero’s face, half of it in animal form. The title.…

Animal and The Curse of Threes

Below is the back story for my work in progress entitled Animal. Although I may never use this in the final version of the book, I had to know where…

The Color of Nothing Release Day!

I killed my mother.

That’s what I think the next morning when I see her on the floor in the kitchen with a puddle of orange juice floating around her.

The Color of Nothing Coming Soon Part 4

What I hope for the real life Darla is the same thing I hoped for my fictional Darla. That she’d get out of her own way. That she’d stop giving up on herself. Because inside both of them is something special, and I want to see them both succeed.

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