Are You In My Target Audience?

my audience is a lot like me: female; avid fiction reader; enjoys various romance genres and women’s fiction, suspense and mystery; mature; intelligent; loves libraries; owns a computer and an ebook reading device; has a smart phone she fears is smarter than she is; doesn’t completely grasp or understand social media but makes the attempt to; won’t waste time on bad books; takes advantage of senior discounts if available.

The Bitter Romance Writer

Why must I always find something to mock about other people's happiness or romantic moments? Am I that uncomfortable with genuine emotion? With love? I write romance novels. I should be applauding these moments, shouldn't I? But instead, I tear them down and pour my caustic words on top of them. A chilling thought is maybe I don't really buy into what I'm trying to sell.

52 Pick Up

We want to feel special. Important. Loved. Approved of. If you don’t get those needs met in childhood by your parents, I’m pretty sure you’ll do what I did. Seek them out in other relationships until finally, you realize you don’t need these things from other people. You can give them to yourself and you’ve always had them from God.


I like to think what we have in common outweighs our differences. I mean, here we are, thrown together again. Most of me is on top of him, as a matter of fact. That’s just where I landed. But he doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, he hasn’t moved a muscle, even with my weight nudging uncomfortably into his. That’s one of the things I love about him. He accommodates me no matter what.