A Forever Kind of Guy Quiz


Is he A FOREVER KIND OF GUY? Take this quiz and find out.

1. Your car breaks down on the freeway. When you call your guy for help he:
A) Tells you to lock the doors, sit tight, he’s on his way

B) Suggests you call AAA for a tow and a ride home

C) Can’t be reached because he’s in jail for DUI. Again.

2. There’s a death in the family. Your guy:
A) Lets you cry on his shoulder while he makes all the travel
arrangements so he can attend the services with you.

B) Calls your best friend so she can help you through this difficult time.

C) Is annoyed with your tears and the interruption in his television viewing schedule.

3. You’re frantic because your purse was stolen with your wallet and cell phone inside. Your guy:
A) Consults his back-up list of credit card numbers, cell phone companies and driver’s license bureaus and helps you make the appropriate calls. (After he attempted to catch the thief at great peril to life and limb and called 911 when the guy got away.)

B) Is bent out of shape because you’d offered to pay for dinner. Again.

C) Watches the thief escape and says, “Wow, look at that guy go.”

4. You invite your guy home to meet your parents. He:
A) Arrives on time, appropriately dressed, with flowers for your mother and a bottle of 12-year-old Scotch for your dad.

B) Arrives 45 minutes late and slightly inebriated. Later passes out on your mother’s new sofa.

C) Doesn’t show up because he’s playing pick-up basketball at the park with his buddies and forgot.

5. You’ve discovered you’re pregnant. You’re ecstatic. When you share the news your guy:
A) Hugs you like he’ll never let go and says the timing couldn’t be better.

B) Buys another pregnancy test and suggests you repeat it because it could be a false positive.

C) Decides he needs his space and wants a paternity test before you see a dime of child support.

6. You receive two tickets to a performance of Swan Lake: Your guy:
A) Asks where you’d like to go to dinner before the performance.

B) Agrees to go with you if you’ll go to the Extreme Wrestling finals with him.

C) Apologizes for missing it but there’s a rerun of Law & Order on TV that night.

7. You ask him if your new outfit makes you look fat. He replies:
A) Everything you wear looks good on you

B) Not any fatter than usual

C) Yes. Especially your butt.

8. You have the flu and can barely lift your head from the pillow. Your guy:
A) Brings you tea and toast and fluffs your pillows for you

B) Refuses to come near you in case you’re contagious

C) Breaks up with you because he’s not good with sick chicks

9. In a sports bar, another man makes an inappropriate comment to you. Your guy:
A) Insists he either apologize to you or step outside

B) Doesn’t hear it because his team just scored

C) Says, “Good one, man.”

10. You’re short on cash until payday and need five dollars for gas money. Your guy:
A) Takes your car to the gas station and fills it up as a surprise. Then gives you cash so you can stop for coffee on your way in to work.

B) Grudgingly gives you $3 and makes you sign an IOU.

C) Wishes he could help you out but his unemployment check’s late.

11. The last time your guy brought you flowers was:
A) Last week. No occasion. Just because he knows you like them.

B) Last year. Because he forgot your anniversary and/or birthday.

C) Never. He thinks flowers are stupid and a waste of money. After all, they just die.

If your answers are mostly A’s, congratulations. You’ve found A Forever Kind of Guy who knows how to treat a lady.

If your answers are mostly B’s, you’ve got a lot of work to do. Unfortunately, this guy might be untrainable.

If you answered mostly C’s, get out now. It’s better to be alone than to be with this guy.

A Forever Kind of Guy Quiz ©2009
Barbara Meyers

This quiz is meant to be fun, but there might be a grain of truth in it as well. It originally appeared online on the Nine Naughty Novelists blog on September 27, 2011. I wanted to share it with all of you since today is the official release day for the eBook version of A Forever Kind of Guy. A print version should be available summer of 2012. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you did, remember positive reviews on the site where you purchased it are always welcome and appreciated. And like all authors, I love hearing from fans. Comment on my blog or write me at barb@barbmeyers.com
Visit me at www.barbmeyers.com
You may also want to read the first of The Braddock Brotherhood series, A Month From Miami.
