Who I am and Why I'm Here

That’s as it relates to blogging, not necessarily anything else.

I started blogging several years ago when I first set up my web site because a WordPress blogging platform came with the web site. I didn’t know what blogging actually was. I loved writing. I loved essay-ing. Mostly I wrote about myself. Surprise, surprise. No one was interested. They still aren’t.

Maybe I should be doing a private journal instead of blogging. One of my past marketing consultants strongly suggested that my blog should contain content of value to readers (of my books). All twelve of them. Maybe she was right, but I started blogging as something I did for me, and I guess that hasn’t changed in all these years.

The books are for my readers. Can I not blog for myself? As a writer I want readers to read everything I write, but a) who’s got the time and b) I am competing with every other blogger out there who might actually be offering readers something of value.

Personally, I find myself fascinating. But don’t we all think that we are the most interesting individual that ever landed on planet Earth? That our thoughts are the most original ever?Β  Don’t we all wish everyone else would find us fascinating, too?

But again, who’s got the time to delve into someone else’s psyche? A therapist, I suppose, but they get paid for their time.

I tell readers if they want to get to know me to read my blog. I just don’t think most readers (yes, all twelve of you) are that interested in the author. What they’re interested in is when the next book is coming out. That’s their entertainment. Not me.

Would I be thrilled if more people were interested in my blog? Of course. I’d love it if every now and again someone took away a nugget of wisdom or a chuckle for the day. But I’ve seen my stats so I know my blog is hardly read at all and comments are about as likely as finding a diamond in my back yard.

But there’s no focus here. The blog is called Reading, Writing and Romancing, but it covers a bit of everything I’m interested in and my perceptions about my journey or sometimes, that of others. Barbara Meyers expounds on a variety of topics. Which no one but her finds interesting or useful or entertaining.

2015-02-06 22.14.14 (4)Yes, it’s a very good question, that of then why are you doing this? The most simple answer is because I want to.



  1. It cannot be more true than this.very well written. and lastly, doing whatever you like is great. well done.:)

  2. Here’s your diamond, Barb. I love your blog, the ease with which it’s written and the hilarity of it’s content. You need to add ‘comedy’ as a tag, woman. I’ve read of many bloggers who started out with 12 followers and now have hundreds/thousands. Just keep writing. I love it.

  3. Reblogged this on Whispers in the air and commented:
    Here is an author who blogs for herself first and hopes to gain fans second. I always look forward to what Barb has to say. Her blogs are not weighty diatribes about the writer psyche or literary how-to’s. They are just fun and entertaining.

    • You are a doll, DB. I appreciate the kind comments (or any comments for that matter) and support. It means a lot. I will continue to blog. Gets all the excess thoughts running around in my head out!

  4. Wow…I have read your book (What a Rich Woman Wants), didnt know you were blogging here. This is great! So happy to meet you through the B101 course! πŸ™‚

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