Picky Reader Interview

ajtillock2013 012My blog is called Reading, Writing and Romancing so I thought I’d find out what readers are reading and why.  I use to do a little review blog called Picky Reader to keep track of the books I read…but then I found Goodreads. However, I’ve decided to resurrect Picky Reader. Below is the first interview in the “Picky Reader Interview” series with my friend Lynn who always seems to find books she can get excited about.

Have you read a book recently that you loved?  Title and author name please if you have it.

 The Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder 


Why did you love this book?

It completely surprised me. The story was about the coming of age of a slightly cynical 17-year-old girl who has terminal cancer. It was funny and imaginative and heart breaking at the same time.

Where did you get this book?

I bought it at a dollar store.

Do you know what it was about the book that made you pick it up?  If so, what was it?

The title caught my attention. Along with the tag line: One Summer to Live a Lifetime.

Do  you have a favorite genre?  What genres do you regularly read?

I read only fiction.  I enjoy mysteries the most. I also like historical fiction. 

Do you have a favorite author? Who? Why?

No,  in fact, I’m embarrassed to admit I rarely remember the names of authors. I occasionally remember one.

 What will make you put down a book you’ve started and refuse to read any more of it?

If it is syrupy sweet.

 Do you read primarily print versions or digital versions?

I read regular print but I enjoy listening to books on CD when I am driving long distances. I don’t have a “device.”

As a general rule do you feel books are reasonably priced?

Yes,  I do. Plus, you can usually find books on sale. I am also a big fan of using the library. 

Would price stop you from buying a book you really wanted?

Yes. Eventually there is a limit. But I am comfortable with not owning a book and just borrowing it from a friend or checking it out from the library. 

Lynn  lives in Southwest Florida and has a background in public relations and marketing.2015-03-17 08.24.20

Barb’s Notes:  Amazing what a great tag line can do!  I think I’m going to have to start checking out the dollar store book offerings. I am also okay with not owning books and I love libraries. I’m not so great at remembering author names, either.  That’s why I track what I read (and like) on Goodreads. (See below.) Do I want to read The Probability of Miracles? Definitely.

If you’d like to be part of my Reading blog series comment below and leave an email contract address.

If you like contemporary romance, women’s fiction or screwball fantasy, check out my web site: www.barbara meyers.com



  1. Danielle

    Confess by Colleen Hoover

  2. Lynn

    Hi Barb,
    Thank you for featuring me in your Reading series. I can’t wait to hear about other books your readers are excited about. Plus, thanks for the Goodread comment. I’m going to check that out! Lynn

  3. Lynn, Thanks for participating and sharing your enthusiasm for The Probability of Miracles. I love Goodreads to track what/who I’ve read and what books I liked.

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