Barbara Meyers, Author – August 2013 Newsletter

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Check out my guest blog (Am I Having Fun Yet?) on author Tina Donahue’s web site here:
51Lt2jJTdsL__SY346_PJlook-inside-v2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_My story, “Katy’s Place” appears in the Novelists, Inc. anthology entitled I NEVER THOUGHT I’D SEE YOU AGAIN, now on sale in print and digital formats. Buy links are here:

Tomorrow I will post a sequel to that story which I was inspired to write on July 21, 2013, because after a tragedy we all need closure. I call this story “In Katy’s Place.” It made me cry. I’m giving this to you readers of my blog as a little bonus and thank you for reading and following me.

I’m currently reading the fourth story in the anthology which is by Deb Stover. The first three, which I thoroughly enjoyed, were by Allison Brennan, Dianne Despain and Kelly McClymer. “I never thought I’d see you again” was given as a prompt for each of the stories. They are all wildly different but equally enjoyable.

With my song-writing partners, Carlene Thissen and Martha Christian, we are closing in on a final version of “Roses in the Sand.” Great title, isn’t it? We’ve received positive feedback from a couple of experts in the field, so watch for further news updates.

photoEveryone wants to know where story ideas come from. This song was inspired by Carlene’s walk on the beach where long-stemmed roses had washed up along the shore. It took a little while to realize where those roses had come from and why they were there.

It isn’t easy and it’s shockingly time-consuming to write songs. You have three minutes or so to tell a story any listener can understand and connect with. As Mark Twain said, “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—‘tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning.”

Other author/book recommendations? I’ve recently read two books by Don Winslow, one of which was Savages which was made into a movie. I liked them both for different reasons. I think I’ve also finished reading all of Tasha Alexander’s Lady Emily series of historical mysteries. I read them out of order which will drive some of you OCD readers crazy, I know.

I’ve discovered a couple of things about reading for pleasure. Sometimes if the writing is good enough it can rise above the story itself. Sometimes I get confused as to where the plot is going, but I’ll keep reading because a book is so well written it doesn’t bother me that maybe the author got a bit lost or the editing wasn’t all that it could have been.

I’m still wading through a couple of projects including AJ Tillock’s 2nd book, COOL BEANS. I still believe I can “fix” my old manuscripts. I know I’m slow, but I’ll get there. Eventually.

What’s that quote by Winston Churchill? Never, never, never quit.

If you wonder why my Tweets are so infrequent and FB and web site updates don’t happen in a timely manner, it’s because I’m busy writing!

My brother and his wife recommended I watch a documentary on YouTube entitled Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. It might change your ideas about the food you are putting into your body. I highly recommend it. It made me rethink what I’ve been eating. More on this in a future post.

Visit me at where you will find buy links to my books.

You can follow me on Twitter @barbmeyers and @ajtillock
My Facebook author page is!/BarbaraMeyersAuthorPage