Picky Reader – 24

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.  My daughter bugged me and bugged and bugged me to read this book until finally I relented and bought the Kindle version and read it months later.  Is it as good as my widely read, discriminating daughter insisted it was?  Yes.  Not only is the premise an unusual one, the writing is exceptional.  Clear and concise.  I am always amazed by authors who can essentially create an entirely different version of the world than the one we know and make it appear effortless.  Thank you, Danielle, for broadening my horizons.

Dark of Night by Suzanne Brockman.  I read a bunch of Suzanne’s Brockman’s excellent Navy Seal hero books in years past, but I hadn’t read her in awhile until I found this one.  Some of the Navy Seals are now in the business of private security with a company called Troubleshooters, Inc.  It was fun to see what happened to some of the characters I remembered from the earlier books, and also refreshing to not be reading another Navy Seal hero book.  Brockman keeps several balls in the air in Dark of Night, especially as we watch more than one romantic relationship progress while dealing with suspense and intrigue all the way.  You have to admire an author who can do what Brockman does, although I admit the prologue and the beginning of the book threw me for a loop.  If you’ve read past Picky Reader blogs you know I’m a sucker for good romantic suspense and I love suspense in general, so this is like a double dip for me.

Facebook & Twitter for Seniors for Dummies.  I would like my effort to become more computer savvy noted.  I sort of have a handle on Facebook.  I can negotiate it and I can understand its appeal to a certain extent.  I will keep my personal opinion of the medium to myself. 

Twitter is still a bit beyond me.  I don’t get it.  I may never get it.  It’s good to know there are books like these out there for non-techie dummies like me.  This one does break down the process and procedures in a language even I can understand.

Rules for Renegades by Christine Comaford-Lynch.  I’m reading this as part of my motivate yourself/be yourself campaign.  Lots of good insights and the author revels in giving you the benefit of her broad experience in the business world and helping you see how it might apply to your own situation.  Also good goal-setting and motivational tools in the book and also offered on her web site.

visit me at www.barbmeyers.com
